Something wet falls on my head. Please don't let it be bird shit. But it is a drop of water. Here is the sign I have been looking for. Plip plop dulop. Speak.
I was not born like this. I grew like this.
Grew. Grew into this being that knows better, but rarely does better. That thinks in rhymes and poems, and speaks plain so no one will think twice.
Born? You want to know what I was born like? A being that could change the world, that painted the sunsets, that wished on stars, that was meant to be BIG. Bigger than anyone in her life, expanding over the world, on talk shows and radio, NPR's most sought out guest. Born to live and to live like a firecracker.
This is the sign you have been waiting for. Stop waiting to be the biggest being you can be. The world is calling for you to live like you were born to be. More importantly your heart is calling you. The crook inside your ventricles that begs the word soul is tired of being cramped up and unused.
It is time to put the pen on the page. The ballet shoes on the wood floor. The wheels on the road. It is time to use the light that you were born with.
Seeds do not think about how to grow up. They know they are to be an onion or a pea pod or a strawberry and with a little love, light and soil they grow up right. We human beings get lost somewhere between being a seed and a strawberry.
This is the sign that says blossom.
beautiful. beautiful. beautiful